This morning Brandon Combs of the Firearms Policy Coalition and Craig DeLuz of Cal-FFL delivered 65,000 letters to the office of Gov. Jerry Brown (D-CA) asking him to veto the 14 gun bills sitting on his desk. He has until October 14th to either sign or veto these bills. Bills that he doesn't veto become law with or without his signature.

PHOTO: Brandon Combs, managing director of the Firearms Policy Coalition, left, and Craig DeLuz, legislative advocate for California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees, deliver about 65,000 petitions urging the governor's veto of 14 gun bills. Credit: The Sacramento Bee/Christopher Cadelago. Link to story.
From the Firearms Policy Coalition's release which includes a link to send a letter to Gov. Brown:
SACRAMENTO, CA -- Earlier this morning, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) Managing Director Brandon Combs, joined by California Association of Federal Firearms Licensees (CAL-FFL) Legislative Advocate Craig DeLuz, delivered 65,000 letters from individuals urging California Governor Jerry Brown to veto the 14 gun control bills currently on his desk.If stopping these bad bills isn't enough, you will still have a chance to win a Benelli M4 shotgun that they are giving away to anyone who uses their site to send a message to Gov. Brown. That seems like a win-win to me.
The gun bills include SB 374, a massive new ban on common semi-automatic rifles authored by Senate President Darrell Steinberg, as well as laws that would ban firearm repair parts, handgun sales, lead ammunition for hunting, and exempt the City of Oakland from longstanding state laws that preempt dangerous localized gun registration schemes, among others.
“We sincerely appreciate the thousands of people who have voiced their concerns to the governor on these anti-gun measures. 65,000 letters sends a very loud-and-clear message: Californians just don’t want these horrible new laws,” said CAL-FFL’s DeLuz of the tremendous turnout by California gun owners.
FPC’s Brandon Combs said that that the fight is far from over and noted that people should keep calling and writing the Governor’s office every day. “We encourage all gun owners and Second Amendment supporters to send Governor Brown a letter through our fast, easy, and free gun rights activism tools at”
“We will keep printing, faxing, and emailing letters to Governor Brown until the very end,” continued Combs. “Gun owners simply must keep up the pressure for these final few days.”
Governor Brown has until October 14, 2013 to sign or veto the bills. Bills that are not vetoed will become state law. Governor Brown’s State Capitol office phone number is (916) 445-2841.
16,000 police officers took a Gun Policy Survey just weeks after the Newtown Massacre. 15,100 verified law enforcement professionals survived the cut as about 900 were disqualified from the survey. Of the nearly 25 questions asked, one in particular stands out. 92.4% agree that an assault rifle STYLE ban would do MORE harm or be of NO effect on murder rates. This is in agreement with the Federal Government’s National Institutes of Health study of the prior style ban on “Assault STYLE” rifles. It is critical to understand that this proposed ban is a matter of style. Assault rifle STYLE means having a customized rifle stock, or extra grip for improved aiming, or some aiming sights that look razzle-dazzle. An assault STYLE weapons ban aims to take away semi-automatic rifles that have been legal since their invention a hundred years ago.
ReplyDeleteThe STYLE change is like the style of cars with fender fins, or an air spoiler over the trunk made to look like a racing car. It is NOT a racing car, but it does have razzle-dazzle.
Style is not function. Type is function. None of these assault style rifles are ever used in actual warfare, because they are not designed for warfare. Soldiers do not use civilian functioning rifles because they are NOT ASSAULT TYPE weapons. Far too many people are responding to the fear being generated by uninformed media reporters and uninformed policy makers. The fact is that hammers are a leading cause of murders, and based on that fact, consistency demands that hammers should be banned. Hammers, hatchets, axes, and knives have been used for millennia as tools of warfare and they still are in hand-to-hand fighting (even camping shovels). Should they be banned?
Thoughtfully consider the real facts. Style is style, and function is function.
Soldiers reject style because they want to live. Soldiers demand function to stay alive in war situations.
Thoughtfully consider the real facts. The Founding Fathers knew that despotic governments always confiscate and ban civilian weapons, so they wrote the Second Amendment to prevent any “….infringement “ on our citizens’ rights. That is the contract between the government and the private citizen. The contract can only be changed by the Senate and it must be ratified by the various states.
Well, CA lawmakers agree with you. "style" doesn't matter. They're banning them all, regardless of "military features".