Working the Grass Roots North Carolina booth at the Asheville gun shows has been my way to help educate people face-to-face, one-on-one, about gun rights and related issues for a few years now. While we only pick up a few paying members per show, we do a good job of getting the word out on current issues. John Hammond, the coordinator for Asheville, does a great job in organizing our cadre of volunteers and I've met some great people through his efforts.
GRNC is in need of people to coordinate the volunteers at gun shows in other cities. The alert below mentions Hickory, Concord, Winston-Salem, and Lumberton. If you are a gun rights supporter in any of these areas, this is your chance to increase your outreach.
Grass Roots North Carolina is in need of Gun Show Coordinators at several locations across the state, including:
- Concord
- Hickory
- Lumberton
- Winston-Salem
Responsibilities include promoting the goals and objectives of GRNC, signing up and renewing memberships, soliciting contributions, and acting as GRNC’s ambassador to the public. Coordinators are encouraged to manage their show independently, but will receive all necessary training and additional support from GRNC’s leadership team, many of whom started out as gun show coordinators themselves.
Each coordinator will be provided a kit containing the necessary display equipment and literature, and before each show GRNC will issue alerts requesting additional volunteer support.
The position requires individuals to be self-motivated, organized and dedicated to advancing gun rights. There can be as many as six shows per year at some locations.
This challenging position is also very rewarding, since gun show coordinators are an integral part of NC's only no-compromise gun rights organization. During the past twenty years GRNC has been responsible for following:
- Castle Doctrine, enabling you to better defend your family against violent predators;
- Concealed carry in state and municipal parks;
- Concealed carry in financial institutions;
- Harmonizing state laws on Title II firearms, as regulated by the National Firearms Act of 1934; and
- Improvements in North Carolina’s concealed handgun permit application process.
- GRNC was a litigant in Bateman v. Perdue, in which North Carolina's universal ban on guns outside the home during declared states of emergency was struck down as unconstitutional. We then ensured repealed of NCGS 14-288.7, ensuring that citizens can protect themselves outside their homes during declared states of emergency.
- GRNC recently engineered passage of House Bill 937, which features:Concealed carry in restaurants;
- Ability of handgun permit-holders to keep firearms in closed compartments in locked motor vehicles on educational properties;
- Expanded concealed carry in state and municipal parks;
- Concealed carry in parades and funerals; and
- Ability to keep firearms in closed containers in locked motor vehicles in state government parking lots.
- GRNC has killed too many anti-gun bills to count.
If you are interested in being part of GRNC's continuing success, please respond to:
Please include which gun show location you are interested in and your contact information, including phone number and email address.
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