Attorney Andrew Branca will be bringing his Law of Self Defense Seminars to North Carolina on June 10 and 11. The classes are being sponsored by Grass Roots North Carolina and will be held at the Triangle Shooting Academy in Raleigh.
More info below in the alert from GRNC.
'LAW OF SELF-DEFENSE' SEMINARSYou carry a gun so you're hard to kill. Know the law so you're hard to convict. . .
Do you know the law of self defense? I mean, REALLY know the law? What good does it do to defend your life if you make some small legal mistake that ends up putting you in prison for the rest of your life?
At the Grass Roots North Carolina Annual Meeting two years ago in Charlotte, Attorney Andrew Branca taught an incredible Law of Self-Defense seminar that focused entirely on North Carolina's laws. Most of us have taken a Concealed Handgun Permit course, which has 4 hours of legal instruction. But AndrewBranca's class goes much deeper.
It's everything you need to know before you have to use force in self-defense. Not just the black letter law, but also the judges' legal decisions and self-defense jury instructions. This class is so detailed that if you're a lawyer, it counts toward Continuing Legal Education. But don't think it's dry and boring like your CHP class was.
Andrew is a fantastic presenter, taking complex legal discussions and turning them into simple concepts and delivering them with his trademark wit.Enroll Now and Receive a GRNC Discount
Through a special agreement with Andrew, Grass Roots North Carolina can offer you a discount (for a limited time) on these Raleigh Law of Self-Defense seminars.
Before May 28, Use discount code "GRNC" at checkout and receive 10% off one or both of these essential classes.
But act now, because the classes are filling up quickly, and as of May 28th, the price of the classes goes up.The seminars will be held at
Triangle Shooting Academyin Raleigh, NC
Level 1 Seminar
Saturday, June 10th, 20179:00 AMLevel 2 Seminar
(available to those who have taken Level 1, or will take it on June 10)
Sunday, June 11th, 201710:00 AMSign up online at:Level 1 Seminar:
Level 2 Seminar (prerequisite-Level 1): remember to use discount code "GRNC" at checkout to show your support for Grass Roots North Carolina, and also to save 10%. Class is open only to pre-registered students, so sign up right away before the price increase.
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