I received the Brady Center's email announcing their Los Angeles fund raiser. The host for it will be Viveca Paulin-Ferrell.
According to Wikipedia, it notes that she is a trustee of the LA County Museum of Art and had been an auctioneer for high-end auction houses such Bonhams and Butterfield & Butterfield. Given this, you might think she would be the person pictured in the email.
You would be wrong.
I am thrilled to announce Viveca Paulin-Ferrell to host our Los Angeles Gala Auction again this year! 
You may know Viveca from her entertainment career and advocacy work, but you may not know that she is also a talented auctioneer who helps pull in the necessary resources to help us fight gun violence.
Please join Viveca at this year’s LA Gala on June 7th. This fundraiser comes at a critical time in our fight for gun violence prevention. Viveca and all who attend or contribute to the fundraiser are part of a growing group of people standing up to protect Americans from gun violence. You can join us in person and perhaps bid alongside Viveca’s husband Will (as pictured here), or send in your special donation today.
Thank you for adding your support to this important event, and for ensuring we have the resources to arm all Americans with the truth about guns.
I hope to see you there,
Join us in LA! |
It is kind of sad. While Ms. Paulin-Ferrell seems to have had successful career on her own, the only reason the Brady Center wants her is for the famous father of her children.
He looks confused. As if he knows that the picture in question will end up in strange places and he's not sure he wants it taken.